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GBST named Women in Technology Employer of the Year 2011


GBST (ASX:GBT), a global provider of technology to the financial services industry, has won the Women in Technology (WiT) Employer of Choice Award for 2011.

WiT is the peak Queensland body for women working and studying in the technology and science industries, and the annual awards recognise outstanding women and employers in the industry.

GBST won the Employer of Choice Award against two other shortlisted employers in recognition of its commitment to gender diversity and equal opportunity, and the fact it had put in place a number of policies, processes and initiatives to support a flexible work environment.

“Our assessment showed that GBST adopts a strategic, multi-level approach to attracting, recruiting and retaining employees and creating the type of work environment that provides the best possible balance between responsibilities at work and home,” said Janine Nguyen, WiT Operations Manager.

GBST was proud to receive the award at the annual WiT Awards gala dinner in Brisbane earlier this month, and pointed to a number of specific diversity and flexible work programs it had put in place to develop and maintain a supportive and diverse work environment.

“We’re particularly proud of initiatives such as twice yearly pay equity audits, career pathways for women from entry point to executive level, and flexible job design taking into account parenting, studying or caring for ageing parents,” explained GBST CEO Stephen Lake.

“These initiatives have brought us far, with female employees now making up nearly a third of our total staff, an excellent result for an IT company,” continued Mr Lake “however we won’t rest on our laurels – we’re looking to further improve this balance with the right programs to ensure we have the best talent, no matter their gender.”

GBST also said that the company would continue building a diverse team of dedicated staff to support its growing business.

“At the end of the day, as a technology company our business success depends on us recruiting and retaining the highest performing people,” continued Mr Lake. “GBST, is on the lookout for talented people to join our rapidly growing team and we will continue to work hard to make sure GBST remains the best place to come to work in the industry.”

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