APIs get financial services talking
11 Feb 2019As the Open Banking framework draws attention to the power of APIs, Gary Cox, Product Manager – Super and Pensions, looks at how APIs fit in to the future of financial services.
As the Open Banking framework draws attention to the power of APIs, Gary Cox, Product Manager – Super and Pensions, looks at how APIs fit in to the future of financial services.
Shawn Wallace, GBST Executive Manager – Digital, discusses how human-centred design is key to the evolution of financial services.
The financial services sector must not waste the chance to deliver on the promise of the pension dashboard, writes David Simpson, as he urges businesses to have their say while the DWP consultation remains open.
APIs, cloud-based tech and data analysis provide the opportunity to create a truly different wealth management experience that is more intuitive, interactive and insightful than anything on offer today, writes Mark Knowlton