Home Media releasesJust Retirement Integrates GBST Technology to Strengthen Its Market Leading Retirement Proposition

Just Retirement Integrates GBST Technology to Strengthen Its Market Leading Retirement Proposition


Just Retirement, the retirement income specialist today announces it has signed an agreement with GBST, the ASX-listed wealth management and broking technology specialist to deliver its Composer® platform.

Just Retirement has integrated GBST’s award winning Composer® solution to diversify its retirement proposition by introducing a platform offering targeted at middle Britain customers.

Stephen Lowe, group communications director at Just Retirement said; “Just Retirement is diversifying its retirement proposition for middle Britain customers. In addition to providing modern solutions that deliver an individually underwritten guaranteed income for life, we now have the capability to provide the market with a wider choice of retirement propositions. Initially we will provide middle Britain customers with a solution to secure pension savings, not required to generate a guaranteed income for life, in a tax efficient environment supported by a small range of passive funds. This will enable people to mix-and-match their retirement savings, to ensure their regular expenditure is covered by a guaranteed income for life and keep any additional savings flexible for those just-in-case moments of unplanned irregular expenditure.”

Rob DeDominicis, CEO of GBST Wealth Management, said; “We have long been at the forefront of the retirement savings market and provide flexible, configurable technology to a number of leading pension providers and administrators. This agreement with another leading retirement product specialist illustrates the capability of our proposition within this market. Although the pensions freedoms announcements earlier this year took many pension providers by surprise, our technology is flexible enough to adaptwithout incurring huge development costs, ensuring that our clients can move quickly to meet evolving customer needs and seize competitive advantage within the changing regulatory environment.”

About Just Retirement

Just Retirement (Holdings) Limited was founded in 2004 and in November 2013, following a successful initial public offering, Just Retirement Group plc was admitted to the main market of the London Stock Exchange. The Group provides products to those at or in-retirement, these include individually underwritten guaranteed income for life solutions, care plans, lifetime mortgages and defined benefit de-risking solutions.

About GBST

GBST (ASX: GBT), provides global technology services to the financial services industry, addressing our clients’ constant needs for innovation, competitiveness and responsive IT that truly enables business. Listed on the Australian Securities Exchange, GBST has offices throughout Australia, London, Hong Kong and New York as well as operations in Paris and Singapore.

About GBST Composer®

GBST Composer® is a full service global software platform for Platforms, Wraps, Unit Trusts, ISAs, OEICs, SIPPs, and Pensions. Designed as a single, client centric application, Composer® is a complete, intuitive and flexible solution. Its architecture meets the demanding requirements of platform providers and fund managers by providing business rule driven functionality to support legislative change, flexible administration procedures and innovative product design.

For further information, please contact:

Just Retirement:
Stephen Lowe
Group Communications Director
Tel: +44 (0)173 782 7301

Temple Bar Advisory:
Alex Child-Villiers / William Barker
Tel: +44 (0)207 002 1080

GBST Wealth Management:
Robert DeDominicis
Global Head of GBST Wealth Management
Tel: +44 (0)207 613 8800

the lang cat:
Mark Locke
Head of PR and external communications
Tel: +44 (0)131 202 5994

Posted in: Wealth Management Administration

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